Challenging: Why brands need to reject the status quo

Challenger thinking isn’t just for the underdog. It’s for any brand, organisation or team with big ambitions; those whose ambitions eclipse what conventional wisdom says should be possible and create an urgent need to break free from the incumbent status quo.   

While we’ve all heard and read enough about the increasing turmoil our world is in, finding the nugget of insight, the solution to our problems, is still a persistent issue for many brands and businesses. However, going beyond surviving the tumult, forward-thinking companies are actually looking for ways to thrive within it. Backed by our 25 years of research and experience, eatbigfish has determined a clear path for brands hoping to come out on top – employ a more Challenger mindset.  

Welcome to our new Challenging series where we explore the many challenges and issues facing today’s companies. Over the last year, our clients have told us that concerns such as decision paralysis, mediocre marketing and a weak internal culture are keeping them up at night and making their jobs tougher. So, within each article we’ll uncover the secrets of the disruptive techniques that Challenger brands use to tackle these concerns and give you actionable insights for your own business.  

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